Mac Theme For Linux
- Apple's MacOS Mojave has just released, with one of the selling points being its new Dark Mode for Mac computers. Well here's how to skin your Ubuntu or Gnom.
- Aug 07, 2015 Download Macbuntu for free. Mac OS X Transformation Pack. Macbuntu is an open-source program, designed to transform Linux’s appearance and layout into a Mac OS X environment.
- Jul 23, 2018 Linux was nice for theming once upon a time. Now, users are stuck looking at what distro developers think the desktop should look like. All new themes seem to be just a variation on the same flat phone looking theme with slight color changes with the baseline color being this industrial less than white or charcoal grey.
Yesterday I managed to get a theme called Macbuntu up and running on my Linux mint 10 perfectly.
This post is a step by step guide of how to discover what Linux distro is right for you, how to get to know linux, and how to get macbuntu theme running on it, all with screenshots along the way. Please note that you cannot hold the developer of this theme, nor sycosoftware responsible to any damage it may cause to your machine and its software(s).
1 day ago Step 1: Install Mac OS GTK Theme. Once you are done installing the prerequisites, it is now time to move on to the first step of making your Ubuntu look like Mac OS, which involves the installation of a Mac OS GTK Theme. To download a theme for your Ubuntu system, go to the gnome-look website and search for the theme you want.
If you already have linux installed you can skip the first four paragraphs, else keep reading.
First off if you don’t already have linux installed and have no idea where to start I recommend you follow these links;
Mac Os X Theme For Linux
I personally suggest that you install either ubuntu ( or Linux Mint 10 ( as they are the easiest to get working with this theme.
After you have chosen which distro you are going to install and have downloaded the .iso to your desktop we now have to burn it to a disk. I personally recommend imgburn ( for this task as it has a simple UI and is easy to use. Just open it up, insert a disk, browse for the .iso and hit burn.
Once you have burnt the linux .iso to the CD/DVD it is now live. You can just insert the disk now and follow the prompts, or you can shutdown your computer and enter BIOS (most computers require you to press F12 to enter this option, as some computers are different please check at start up as they usually state which button allows entry of BIOS, else check your computer manual. Also note that you must have the disk in the disk drive before entering BIOS else it will not work.) Once in the BIOS select the DVD/CD option in the list, and it will boot off the CD. Once it boots into linux it should have a desktop icon labelled “install linux xx” (xx representing your version of distro) with an icon that looks like a CD. Once you click on that, follow the prompts to install your linux to how you please.
Now that you have linux installed you can proceed to installing the theme, but first off get to know linux and play around with the settings if you are a first timer to linux.
Once you are comfortable with using linux you can now proceed with installing macbuntu. First off launch terminal to get started.
Terminal notes:
- $ represents a new line of the command, you should press enter when $ follows a command line, DO NOT type $ in the command line or you will end up with errors.
- Enter the text into the terminal exactly as you see it in this post, for example if it is quoted to type (without quotes) “$ wget -O tmp” then you would enter exactly “wget -O tmp”
Linux Mint On Mac Mini
OK so these are the terminal commands you will enter;
$ wget -O /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz $ tar xzvf /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz -C /tmp $ cd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10/ $ ./
Compare Os X To Linux
In case you don’t understand you should type exactly this: wget -O /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz “hit enter key and wait for commands to end” tar xzvf /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz -C /tmp “hit enter and wait for commands to end” cd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10/ “hit enter” ./ “hit enter”
Now if you are running Linux Mint 10 like me it will probably return you with an error along the words of “macbuntu not installed, not compatible, if you would like to continue please use ./ force exiting….”
To bypass this and continue with the install (don’t worry it installed fine on mine) you will have to enter ./ force into the command line and hit enter. Then it will probably bug you about a password, simply enter your user password if you have one and hit enter, don’t worry when you hit a character it won’t show up in the command line, nor will the cursor move, but it is noticing that you are entering the pw, just hit enter once you have hit the right keys for your password. It will probably ask you to confirm that you want to install, just go ahead and continue. Now it will ask you a heap of questions to do with how you would like the theme to be set up, I set the default for all of them and hit yes for all questions, if you are not sure always hit default or yes. It is the easiest way and allows you to get all features. Once it is running through it will probably come at a point where it asks “getting xx off xx. This will take xx amount of disk space, continue?” For this message, unless you are low in disk space always continue. It will probably ask you this a fair few times, just keep answering yes until finally the theme is installed. At a point it will finish installing and ask to restart, if you have no important documents or programs up then continue with the restart.
You are done, yes that is all, inside there are a few options to tweak it, but you now have the full macbuntu theme running on your linux distro. Some screenshots to relieve your eyes from all this text.
This is an original post from sycosoftware, If you decide to use any screenshots or repost this post, please link back to [ ] and source us. Thank you 🙂
Hello everyone, welcome to another Linux Mint Tutorial. On this post, you will find some of the best themes for Linux Mint 19 that you can use to makeover Linux Mint. I was a bit boring with the default theme of my Linux Mint 19. Well, its not bad but I need something more fresh. There are many great GTK3 themes out there ready for Linux Mint. With a little efforts, we can make Linux Mint 19 way better look. I know, this is a matter of preferences. If you have other themes that are not in the list, please leave us comment and we will update this list.
The Best Themes for Linux Mint 19
A. Windows 10 Transformation Pack
If you just migrate from Windows to Linux Mint 19, you will love this theme. Windows 10 Transformation Pack is a nice Windows 10 theme for Linux. It works pretty well on Linux Mint 19. When combined with the Windows 10 icon pack, this Windows Transformation Pack looks great.
B. Mac OS Mojave Theme
Well, this could be the one I love the most. I always use this Mac OS theme on every Linux desktop I use. The McOS Mint is available for Cinnamon desktop. It blend perfectly on my Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon.
Mac Theme For Linux Mint 19
Combine with the MacOS icon theme to get the most of it. McOS-Theme is the best Mac OS X Mojave theme for Linux.
C. Canta Theme
Canta is a refreshing theme for Linux. There are many variants available. Its a flat material design for GTK3, GTK2 and Gnome Shell. It also works with Cinnamon desktop.
D. Pop Remix Theme
Pop Remix is a modification of the PopOS theme. PopOS is the System76 Operating system based on Ubuntu. Pop Remix brings PopOS feel into Linux Mint 19.
E. X-Arc Themes
Arc Theme also my favorite theme. It comes with a clean and tidy controls. The window control does not available in Cinnamon. I combine it with the McOS and it looks great.
There are many variants available for X-Arc Theme. You can download them from this link.
Final Thoughts
There are still many great themes out there. You can also use the built-in theme downloader that comes with Linux Mint.
Thanks for reading The Best Themes for Linux Mint 19. See you on the next article.